
Mavea / Vivreau Purity 1200 Quell ST Filter Cartridge

Constant high performance in gastronomy is expected from high-quality machines. To ensure this performance is achieved at all times, it is advisable to work with optimized water. The consistent water quality over the life of the filter and the reliable removal of unwanted taste and aroma elements ensures the best quality and optimum aroma development for your drinks, as well as high machine protection.


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Water Filters & Softeners



New Branding

In October 2021, VIVREAU Water, a global leader in sustainable mains-fed water dispenser solutions for businesses, added professional water filters to its portfolio. Products previously sold under the MAVEA brand will now be marketed and distributed in the U.S. and Canada by Vivreau.

More info can be obtained here in the Vivreau Press Release.

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Commercial equipment & coffee are NOT eligible for returns or exchanges.

Read Full Shipping Policies & Full Refund Policy Here.

Please Note: Chris' Coffee will not be responsible for any delivery delays due to unforeseen circumstances outside our reasonable control such as delays due to severe weather, natural disasters, strikes, etc.

For any questions or concerns please email support@chriscoffee.com

Filter Capacity
German Carbonate
Hardness (°dh)
Grains per
US gallon
Liters Gallons Liters Gallons Liters Gallons Liters Gallons
4 4 70% 1900 502 4766 1259 7917 2091 13458 3555
5 5 70% 1900 502 4766 1259 7917 2091 13458 3555
6 6 70% 1900 502 4766 1259 7917 2091 13458 3555
7 7 60% 1821 481 4569 1207 7589 2005 12902 3408
8 8 50% 1425 376 3374 944 5938 1569 10094 2667
9 9 50% 1267 335 3177 839 5278 1394 8972 2370
10 10 40% 960 254 2408 636 4000 1057 6800 1796
11 11 40% 873 231 2189 578 3636 961 6182 1633
12 12 30% 693 183 1738 459 2887 763 4908 1297
13 13 30% 640 169 1604 424 2665 704 4530 1197
14 14 30% 594 157 1490 394 2474 654 4207 1111
15 15 30% 554 146 1390 367 2310 610 3926 1037
16 16 30% 520 137 1303 344 2165 572 3681 972
17 17 30% 489 129 1227 324 2038 538 3464 915
18 18 30% 462 122 1159 306 1925 508 3272 864
19 19 20% 387 102 970 256 1612 426 2740 724
20 20 20% 368 97 922 244 1531 404 2603 688
21 21 20% 350 92 878 232 1458 385 2479 655
22 22 20% 334 88 838 221 1392 368 2366 625
23 23 20% 320 84 802 212 1332 352 2264 598
24 24 20% 306 81 768 203 1276 337 2169 573
25 25 20% 294 78 737 195 1225 324 2083 550
26 26 20% 283 75 709 187 1178 311 2002 829
27 27 20% 272 72 683 180 1134 300 1928 509
28 28 20% 263 69 658 174 1094 289 1859 491
29 29 20% 253 67 636 168 1056 279 1795 474
30 30 20% 245 65 615 162 1021 270 1735 458
31 31 20% 237 63 595 157 988 261 1679 44
32 32 20% 230 61 576 152 957 253 1627 430
33 33 20% 223 59 559 148 928 245 1578 417
34 34 20% 216 57 542 143 901 238 1531 405
35 35 20% 210 55 527 139 875 231 1488 393